Churches in Cervià and Albi

Read description Cervià de les Garrigues i l’Albi, Lleida · Sur: 700 + 670 m2 Project to restore two old churches in these two towns in Les Garrigues. The churches had dampness problems due to filtration, and cracks due to foundation problems, amongst other things....

School in Zaldibar

Read description Zaldibar, Guipúzcoa (Award-winning contest) · Sur: 560 m2 School made up of several square modules, aiming to create an environment and a scale that’s right for the children, with soft materials and visible natural...

Art Centre in Can Ricart

Read description Barcelona (Awarded tender) · Sur: 2.575 m2 The finalist proposal to renovate a section of Can Ricart, an abandoned area with a great historical interest. Hangar, an artistic creation hub that aims to be the seed that will regenerate an important piece...

Local police and civil protection in Lloret

Read description Lloret de Mar, Girona (Awarded tender) · Sur: 3.448 m2 Two very clear volumes generate this important building of security and citizen emergency public services for a population that increases greatly with tourists, especially in the summer time. The...